The Women’s Group at Temple House of Israel has been a part of the Jewish community for over 100 years. Our purpose is three-fold:
- To provide an opportunity for fun and fellowship among the women of the Temple
- To organize and facilitate community outreach activities
- To create and implement fund-raising activities that support Temple functions
To that end, we have held book discussions, knitting sessions, silent auctions, indoor yard sales along with art projects, mah jongg and cooking lessons. We have prepared meals for the Free Clinic staff, provided and served Christmas Eve dinners for the Valley Mission and hosted outside guest speakers. We have coordinated efforts to provide coffee and goodies following each service throughout the year, our communal Rosh Hashanah potluck and oneg and Yom Kippur break-the-fast, a Sukkot meal, our Chanukah party, as well as the Community Passover Seder. All women of the temple are welcome and encouraged to attend our meetings, most months at 2:00 pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the social hall. Please join us!
Our THOI Judaica shop is the source for all things Jewish in Staunton. Find a little of everything from books, cards and jewelry, seasonal platters, seder plates and Chanukah gifts to mezuzot and menorahs. What isn’t in stock is always available by special order through the shop manager, Marsha Pillet.