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PARSHA: Shemot (Names) Exodus 1:1 – 6:1
HAFTARAH: Isaiah 27:6 – 28:13; 29:22 – 29:23 (Ashkenazi)
Torah Summary:
The new Pharaoh does not remember Joseph, and makes the Israelites his slaves. Pharaoh then demands that all Israelite baby boys be killed at birth. Moses’ mother puts her son in a basket in the river, and he is saved by Pharaoh’s daughter. As an adult, Moses kills an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating an Israelite slave. Moses flees to Midian and marries Zipporah. God appears before Moses in a burning bush and tells him to free the Israelites from slavery. An apprehensive Moses returns to Egypt, where he and his brother Aaron demand that Pharaoh free the Israelite slaves. Pharaoh refuses, and God promises to punish him.
Haftarah Summary:
In Parashat Sh’mot the people of Israel are enslaved by the Egyptians, suffering greatly at the hands of others. Finally, Moses arrives and begins to move the people toward redemption.

Similarly, in Isaiah, the people in the Kingdom of Israel suffered greatly, though in this case it is suffering that has been brought on by their own lack of faith in God, and by the corruption and greed of their leaders. Isaiah brings them a message of hope and redemption….

From URJ – commentary “Who is this God? Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh


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